"Streamline Logistics. Simplify Communication."

TEUSER App revolutionizes logistics communication and management by providing a centralized platform that simplifies operations and streamlines collaboration. Our main feature is the ability to bring all aspects of logistics transactions into one place, offering a seamless and efficient experience for freight forwarders, cargo owners, and logistics professionals.

Our Features

Centralize Communication

Say goodbye to scattered emails, multiple channels, and document chaos.

TEUSER App consolidates all communication related to your logistics transactions, allowing you to easily access, track, and manage conversations, documents, and updates in one centralized platform

We believe in empowering logistics professionals with the right tools and information. TEUSER App equips you with a robust set of features, customizable dashboards, and real-time analytics, enabling data-driven decision-making and empowering you to optimize processes, drive growth, and achieve success in the dynamic logistics landscape

Enhance Collaboration

Foster collaboration within your organization and with external stakeholders.

TEUSER App enables smooth coordination and information sharing between teams, partners, and customers.

Real-time messaging, file sharing, and activity tracking facilitate effective communication and promote seamless collaboration throughout the logistics journey.

Trust and transparency are paramount in the logistics industry. TEUSER App promotes transparency by providing a comprehensive view of transactions, capturing all communication, and maintaining an auditable activity log. This transparency enhances accountability, facilitates clear communication, and strengthens relationships between all stakeholders.

Streamline Workflows

Simplify your logistics processes and eliminate repetitive tasks.

TEUSER App automates routine activities, reducing manual effort and increasing efficiency.

From transaction initiation to closing, you can navigate through each step seamlessly, saving time and enhancing productivity.

We understand the value of time and the importance of streamlining operations. TEUSER App is designed to eliminate bottlenecks, reduce manual effort, and optimize workflows.

By providing a centralized platform and automating routine tasks, we enable you to focus on strategic decision-making and deliver exceptional results

What our clients are saying

Founder & CEO
AZ Growth

“Teuser is a game-changer. User-friendly, reliable, and cost-effective. Highly recommended for business growth..”

Zakaria AMBARI
Founder & CEO

“With years of experience in the Freight Forwarding and project logistics sector, I have cultivated a deep passion for ensuring client satisfaction and enhancing teamwork efficiency. This passion led to the creation of Teuser..”

Founder & CEO

“Working at Youpal Group is much more than just a job I go to everyday. My coworkers inspire and motivate me daily.”

Jessica Landin
Executive Assistant to CEO
Founder & CEO

“Working at Youpal Group is much more than just a job I go to everyday. My coworkers inspire and motivate me daily.”

Jessica Landin
Executive Assistant to CEO

Teuser is focused on making the products that are relevant both today and tomorrow.

Our goal is simple: Save you time, improve collaboration, and enhance execution in your logistics operations.

By adopting TEUSER, you can experience the power of streamlined communication, increased transparency, and improved efficiency.


Bring all your contacts, colleagues and partners in one , seamlessly manage your orders or shipments through one single location

Monitor & Follow up

Easily see what actions are needed, when and where needed, tag, assign and request action to have your network in motion. 
Receive alerts, notifications when documents, status are uploaded or changed.

Save time

Stop the back and forth conversation over emails, Whatsapp and juggling with clients and suppliers emails to get a bird eye view on your shipments. 
Easily run through the emergencies, issues and notices in one single location.
Invite external parties to access or contribute.

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Our Values


We prioritize needs, value feedback, and deliver personalized solutions with exceptional customer service.


We uphold reliability, integrity, and professionalism, ensuring transparency, accountability, and consistency. Customers and partners can count on us to deliver on our promises.


We explore new tech, ideas, and approaches for better logistics. Our creative culture empowers the team to develop groundbreaking solutions.


We create synergies and drive collective success through a collaborative environment. Engaging with customers, partners, and stakeholders, we seek opportunities to share knowledge and solve challenges together.

Continuous improvement

We evaluate processes, seek feedback, and foster a culture of learning. Our proactive approach enables us to adapt to industry changes and stay ahead of the curve.

Why we’re different

Tailored Solutions

Unlike generic solutions, Teuser understands the unique challenges and intricacies of the logistics industry, providing specialized tools and features to address your specific needs.

Comprehensive solution

All in one TEUSER covers every aspect of shipment management. Email and communication management to data and document control, your entire workflow is streamlined, eliminating the need for multiple fragmented tools.

Automation & Efficiency

We are leveraging on intelligent automation to streamline and optimize your processes. Teuser saves you save time, reduce errors, and increase overall efficiency, to focus on critical tasks.

Seamless Collaboration

Facilitating seamless collaboration among stakeholders. With intuitive communication features and transparent status updates, ensuring smooth interactions and productive relationships with customers, carriers, vendors, and internal teams.

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